Woodford Folk Festival

Woodford Folk Festival

Where is our food grown and how did it get here?  Enjoy the best food possible our local food.  Meet at the sandpit.  Sun Far Out 2.30pm

Permakids workshops in the Childrens festival
Monday 28th December 2009  Get Your Hands Dirty
Join the Permakids crew and create a vegie garden with your favourite kid food.   Take seeds home to start your own vegie patch.
Mon Far Out 2.30pm

Permakids workshops in the Childrens festival
Friday 1st January 2010  It€™s all about Food - Food Miles
Where is our food grown and how did it get here?  Enjoy the best food possible our local food.  Meet at the sandpit.  Sun Far Out 1pm

27 December 09 Permakids workshops in the Childrens festival
Sunday 27th December 2009   It€™s all about Food - Food Miles


Need A Guest Speaker?

Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here

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