Participating School Gardens

Successful School Garden Projects

The Edible School Garden Program is so much more than just growing some vegies.   The edible school garden is a garden where the soil is full of life and the plants are bursting with nutrients and minerals.  We teach the children how to  create healthy soils and grow healthy food.  The students eat the food from this garden and it is 100% good for them - real food.

There have been many successful schools who have enjoyed the benefits of not only building their own Edible School Garden, though  maintaining it further as well!

Too many children in this day and age have never gotten their hands dirty in a garden due to our modern lifestyle, and this type of project gives both the school an ongoing valuable educational tool, as well as Children experiencing the joy of growing food themselves as many of us did in the past in our own backyards.

Please have a look through the Schools under this link to see the happy faces, and learn more about how each school is different yet this project could still be adapted to suit.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact me if your school is interested in giving your students this wonderful natural opportunity.  I am always happy to talk to School Principals or P&C Meetings if you require further information on how this program can benefit your school.  There are also various grants available over the year through the likes of Slow Food Noosa or other Government Organisations, so if I can assist you in advising on how to obtain these to make it possible for you to have the Edible School Garden program in your school, just ask :)

Leonie Shanahan
Edible School Gardens