The Queensland Herb Society Inc., 2012
01 Apr 12
Leonie was a recentguest speaker at our monthly Queensland Herb Society meeting. Speaking on the topic of “Growing Health – Edible School Gardensand the importance of nutrient rich food for children (andadults)”, Leonie was able to incorporate our passion for herbswithin this broader gardening/health topic and in doing sodemonstrated a real ability to inspire andmotivate.
Leonie'seasy going nature, teamed with an engaging presentation style thatincluded fact, humour and personaltales, kept the group enthralled from start to finish. A personwith a passion for healthy gardening and encouraging us all to growmore of our own foods, Leonie is versatile, resourceful andimaginative in her methods of getting the message across -thoroughly enjoyable!
The Queensland Herb Society Inc., 2012

Need A Guest Speaker?
Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here
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