Slow Food in the Mary Valley

Slow Food in the Mary Valley

Join food producers, chefs, processors, retailers, and other co-producers who are passionate about local food that is good, clean and fair.

Slow Food in the Mary Valley is excited to host a talk by Leonie Shanahan from Edible School Gardens.  This program, which has been introduced into 12 schools on the Sunshine Coast, follows the three principles of permaculture:

- Earth Care
- People Care and
- Fair share (which covers reduction to consumption and sharing of seeds, plants and knowledge)

Slow Food in the Mary Valley
Date:    Monday, April 26, 2010
Time:    5:45pm - 7:45pm
Location:    RSL Hall, Imbil

Need A Guest Speaker?

Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here

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