School Garden Project
18 Jun 10

Noosa News - Slow Food Noosa Noosa News - Slow Food Noosa
June 18, 2010
Over the past four years Slow Food Noosa has sponsored four
school kitchen gardens in our local area. These include:
Noosaville State School, Peregian Beach College, Cooran State
School and Sunshine Beach State School.
These gardens have been set up with the assistance of Leonie
Shanahan from Edible School Gardens using the principles of
permaculture. The gardens have been hugely successful at
introducing children to the joys of gardening and the pleasures
of eating food that they have grown themselves. The children are
involved right from the start with the design of the garden and
learn all about composting, worm farms, water management, mulch
and chook poo! Harvest days are opportunities for the Slow Food
chefs to cook with the children. Katrina Ryan from Sprit House
Cooking School has introduced the children to stir fries and
making pesto from basil and parsley. "They are absolute naturals
when it comes to using mortars and pestles" She says. Salads with
fried haloumi, lemon and sunflower seeds, Vietnamese spring
rolls, penne with spring vegetables and Matt Golinski's dolmades
are some of the dishes the children have prepared. Once the food
is ready, the table is set with coloured tablecloths and
decorated with flowers.
The children eat off environmentally friendly cabbage and
arrowroot leaves and everyone loves throwing the 'dishes' into
the compost after the feast.
Noosa News - Slow Food Noosa
School Garden Project
June 18, 2010
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