Review for Edible School Gardens DVD
11 Jan 13

As a teacher and Earth lover, watching Leonie’s “Edible School
Gardens” DVD was a very big “thank goodness!!!!!”....
Leonie has succinctly and clearly related how making and
maintaining a school garden may be done. For all of us visual and
kinaesthetic learners, she has sequenced the life of the school
garden over a period of a seasonal year, into bite sized do-able
pieces. And I just love the inclusion of the children’s
feedback. What better way to grow a child into health,self
empowerment, knowledge and joy....This is real life experiential
Leonie’s attention to the process and detail of building a garden
and galvanising community support come from many years of
learning....When I met Leonie in 2002, she was just beginning her
journey into school gardens. Now, 10 years on, her passion and
knowledge is clear....
This DVD is a gift in creating the foundations to healthy, happy,
skilled children and a healthy happy planet.....
Fiona Ball
The Natureweavers Place
Review for Edible School Gardens DVD
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