Queensland Garden Expo
06 Jul 19

On Saturday the 13th July 2019, I will be speaking about my favourite topic Healthy soils, Healthy food, Healthy you at the Queensland Garden Expo
Leonie Shanahan is the founder of the Edible School Gardens Program, author of “Eat Your Garden - Organic Gardening for Home and Schools” book, and presenter of “Edible School Gardens” DVD. Leonie is passionate about growing healthy people through nutrient rich food which starts with the soil.
Saturday 13th July:
TOPIC: Healthy soils, Healthy food, Healthy you
Do you want vibrant health, energy and happiness? It all starts in the soil! Growing soil that is full of fungi, microbes and life – and its easy, and loaded with health benefits. Get your soils right and you will produce abundant food that is going to support your body with wellness. Healthy soil, healthy food, healthy you and your family. You will learn how to grow the healthiest food possible and why gardening is the medicine of the future.
Location: Giant Kitchen Garden Stage, Nambour
Time: 12:15pm, 13th July 2019
Sunday 14th July:
Free Plant Clinic
The Plant Clinic is the place to go for some free personal help with gardening problems and plant identification. HMA Plant Clinic is open all 3 days for you to discuss your plant problems, or successes with our HMA Horticulture Media Australia members. I'll be there on Sunday at 2pm.
For more information, visit Queensland Garden Expo site here
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