Permaculture Gardens Sunshine Coast Grammar School

Permaculture Gardens Sunshine Coast Grammar School

Permaculture Gardens Sunshine Coast Grammar School

Permaculture is a method of producing foodstuffs in a closed loop that maintains a self-sufficient system.  In any system animals, plants and micro-organisms work together in harmony.

Grammar's Year 5 classes have created a fantastic permaculture garden as part of their unit on environmental issues.

Grammar is the latest Sunshine Coast school to strike up a partnership with Leonie Shanahan from 'Edible School Gardens Noosa".  Mrs Shanahan worked with the students over a number of weeks to plant, design and - with the help of some very enthusiastic parents and teachers - build the new garden, which consists of four tank gardens and three ground gardens.

While the focus of Term 3 has been the study of permaculture processes, Term 4 will see year 5s turning their attention to nutrition and cooking.  Students will be encouraged to take produce home and prepare dishes to share at school.

The garden will be valuable learning tool for all Grammar students in years to come - as long as we can keep those old bush turkeys at bay!

Chris Smith
Year 5 Teacher

Need A Guest Speaker?

Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here

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