Permaculture Garden Gets New Lease on Life

The Sunshine Beach State School original permaculture garden has a new lease of life.

The learners from 21YC, CY, TD and prep M worked with and were guided by the edible school garden's Leonie Shanahan and assisted by parents helpers to make several no-dig gardens, re-do the worm farm and feed and mulch their fruit trees.

Sunshine Beach State School P&C and Noosa Slow Food have generously supported the program.

Katrina Ryan from Slow Food has offered guidance and expertise.

The learners are enthusiastic and excited about the fun, educational program and looking forward to planting, harvesting and cooking the produce.

Everyone involved has had fun and learnt a lot at the same time.

The garden will continue to offer children learning opportunities, and the learners will enjoy watching it grow.

Thursday April 23, 2009  Sunshine Coast Daily
Sunshine Beach State School

Need A Guest Speaker?

Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here

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