Learning in the Garden Seminar


SOWING SEEDS for the future: The early years and beyond

A unique two-day professional development seminar for teachers, parents and educators

Leonie Shanahan was one of the presenters at the Learning in the Garden Seminar in 2012!  General information about the seminar is below.

• Participate in workshops and activities designed to help you develop your own ideas,

• Meet others who share your interest for learning in the garden and share experiences,

• Learn to design and manage sustainable systems associated with a children’s garden in schools, day-care centres and after-school centres,

• Link the issues of sustainability and health, through the curriculum, with the school garden,

• Follow the journey from seed to table and the cycle of renewal,

• Become a part of a strong network of supportive local educators.


Monday 15th & Tuesday 16th October 2012


Held over two days in Brisbane (further details to come)

Need A Guest Speaker?

Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here

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