Kids School Garden Program left stranded by Petrol Station 'Rip-Off'
Leonie Shanahan
05 Sep 08

04 September 2008 Kids School Garden
Program left stranded by Petrol Station Rip-Off
A new sponsor is desperately needed for the Tewantin State School
Edible School Garden to get the children back in the garden,
learning healthy growing and eating principles that will last
them for life, not to mention the simple enjoyment of growing
their own food, something that is lacking in todays
society. Just recently Hilton Terrace Round About Coffee
Petrol Station was proud to be sponsoring what they proudly
termed the Fuel for Food programme. Tewantin State School
was approached by the Service Station to be the pilot programme
in conjunction with Leonie Shanahans Edible School Gardens
Digging bright future, 'How one servo is helping
motorists save the planet one full tank at a time', and 'Sowing
Seeds for a sustainable future' were just a few of the headlines
this service station received from local media in recent months,
supposedly dispelling the myth of the greedy petrol station
Just a few short months later, the kids at Tewantin State School
have had their project garden suspended due to non payment of
promised sponsorship funds. The much touted programme was
supposed to have 2c from every litre sold at the service station
to go to the Tewantin State School Edible School Garden under the
auspices of the Fuel for Food programme. Many parents of
students, and other local community members attended this Service
Station specifically to help raise funds for the kids to have
their own garden at the school. Friends of the garden have
mentioned that up until only last week, the staff were still
telling people that 2c of every litre was going to the programme,
and the spare change wishing well on the counter had around
$98.00 dollars in it, though unfortunately, Mr Moore, the petrol
station owner, does not see fit to pass any funds on to the
school programme.
Leonie Shanahan was first approached in July 2007 by Brett Robb,
the then Manager, of the Petrol Station to be involved in an
environmentally friendly local community project. On June
the 13th of this year, the children and many local community
members all came together to prepare the area for growing.
Now just over 2 months later the whole project is suspended due
to lack of funds, as the owner of the Petrol Station, Jim Moore,
will not commit to the future sponsorship of the project, nor pay
past funds collected from the community for the programme, though
he does add, that he sees the value in the project for the
Leonie Shanahan is at a loss as to how to continue the project
for the school without the promised sponsorship. Tewantin
project currently is growing over 100 types of salads, vegetables
& herbs, planted over 300 seeds & seedlings, and of
course the other associated labour costs involved that are now
past due. The children get an awful lot out of the garden,
besides the obvious health benefits and education that is so
necessary in this ever growing climate of childhood obesity, the
pride and sense of achievement that is experienced, and of
particular note is that the special needs children also
participate in this programme receiving a great feeling of
self-fulfilment. Leonie would hate to see the garden go to
dust and the children not have the garden get to the stage where
it can be confidently managed by the teachers and students
themselves. Please contact Leonie via or phone 0420 650 448
if you think you can assist in ensuring this garden continues to
Graphic attached: A severely disappointed Leonie Shanahan in her
promotional TV with media copies of the program
Notes: Media mentions of this programme in the local
23 Jul 2007 Sunshine Coast Daily
'How one servo is helping motorists save the planet one full tank
at a time'
21 Feb 2008 Noosa Journal - Journal Business
'Servo goes green in bid to boost garden scheme'
14 Jun 2008 Sunshine Coast Daily
'Digging bright future'
13 Jun 2008 Local Channel 7 News article (similar vein to the
above article)
08 Jun 2008 Noosa River Living
'Sowing Seeds for a sustainable future'
17 Jun 2008 Noosa News
'Three Rs and digging'
August/September 2008 Sunshine Coast ECO News
Fuelling the future
Online Articles & Audio...
The 'Fuel for Schools' Program
Fuel offsets fund edible garden in Tewantin (13 Jun 08)
Fuel for Schools - Aug 14th, 2008
Saving The Planet--Tank By Tank - 23 July 2007
Growing green - 12:00a.m. 14th June 2008
Sowing seeds for a sustainable future
Audio on ABC
# A Qld Servo gives a petrol discount ... not to customers, but
to a green project (audio) (4 October) Brett Robb's trying to
save the world - one tank at a time. He explains to Shon Walker
(Environment Carbon Offset)
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