Horticultural Media Association of Queensland (HMAQ)

Horticultural Media Association of Queensland (HMAQ)

Saturday 6th April,  HMAQ   Induction into the Horticultural Media Assocation of Qld  at Noel Burnettes Spring Fields Garden Centre.
HMAQ – Providing education and professional support within the horticultural media industry.

The Horticultural Media Association of Queensland is a professional body established on the 2nd of September 1996 under the rules and regulations set out by the Queensland Associations Incorporation Act of 1981. The objects of the Association are:

  • To provide an avenue of mutual contact and communication for members of the horticultural media.
  • To encourage and assist in maintaining a high level of integrity within the horticultural media.
  • To operate under a Code of Ethics developed by members.
  • To foster a closer working relationship between the members of the horticultural media and horticultural industry.
  • To provide information to members as to where advice can be obtained on matters of professional concern.
  • To provide a forum where items of mutual concern or interest to members can be discussed.
  • To provide for the improvement of standards in the horticultural media through education of members.

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