HMAQ Profile
03 Jul 13

Leonie Shanhan has been recognised by the horticultural
mediaindustry and is now a member of the Horticultural Media
Association of Queensland.
HMAQ Leonie Shanahan's Member profile
- Author, Educator, Presenter, founder of Edible School Gardens program, and freelance garden writer
- Set up Edible School Gardens program in over 20 schools
- 2010 author of Eat Your Garden for Home and Schools,whichsimplifies organic gardening through vibrant photographsthatcompliment the easy to read instructions
- 2012 presenter of Edible School Gardens DVD, where Ecofilmsdocumented my 12 month Edible School Gardens Program as a Howto Guide for teachers and parents Performs organicgardeningworkshops from my organic property
- Writes a newsletter about organic gardening
- Conducts gardening workshops at garden expos,environmentalevents, community gardens, libraries andschools
- Runs training workshops for parents and teachers
- Public speaker at conferences, seminars, forums andgardenexpos
- Written articles in Clean Food Organic, Bud Organic Magazine
- Awarded Living Smart award in recognition of mydedicationand professionalism in permaculture education andadvocacy foredible school gardens programs
- Advanced certificate in horticulture/certificate 3inhorticulture
- PDC Permaculture Design Certificate
- Certificate In Sustainable Agricultutre – NTS and Dr Arden Anderson
Need A Guest Speaker?
Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here
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