Gardenfest Toowoomba Carnival of Flower Show
01 Apr 13

May 3rd and 4th Gardenfest Toowoomba Carnival of
Flower Show
Friday 2 workshops talking about ... Edible
School Gardens;
Workshop 1 How to design and set up an edible
school garden
You want to start a veggie garden at school but what next. Leonie
will take you through the steps of creating a garden that will be
an asset to your school, a garden where students have ownership
and pride. We will discuss design, set up day, sustainable
systems and the big picture of a successful edible school garden
and community.
Workshop 2 You have set up your Edible
School Garden, where to from here.
We will look at the What, Where and How of planting. We'll talk
Herbs for health, lolly gardens and fun ways to get kids eating
and cooking. How to sustain your garden system - compost, pets as
worms and crops over the holidays. Our favourite community day is
our harvest festival day, every school needs one and I will share
different ways to run these successful days.
The most important aspect of growing vibrant organic food is
getting your soil right. Its all about compost, worm castings,
green manure crops, minerals, microbes and foliar feeds. Nothing
is more important than growing your own food, being healthy and
taking control of your food supply.
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