Fans dig Costa
21 May 11

Fans dig Costa
A RUMBLE erupted from hundreds of pint-sized green thumbs, as
they caught a glimpse of their gardening idol Costa
The star of SBS TV’s Costa’s Gardening odssey visited Our lady of
the Rosary last Tuesday to promote the benefits
But he was preaching to the converted.
These students are actively involved in maintaining their
flourishing garden, established with the help of Edible School
Gardens guru Leonie Shanahan two years ago.
Dressed in his trademark denim overalls with mud-stained knees,
Costa spoke animatedly to his captive audience about how
wonderful it was to eat produce you had grown yourself.
“You know exactly where it has been, wht has been put on it and
how far it has travelled – which is just from your garden into
your kitchen,” he said.
“The difference between a tomato grown and sent off to the
supermarket and one you grow yourself is that even when it is
halfway down to your tummy, it is still alive and full of
“It still thinks it is in the garden but someone has turned all
the lights out”
Costa visited three schools and the Yandina Community Garden on a
whirlwind two-day Sunshine Coast trip.
“I think these days are important – it may be only one day but it
can galvanise a movement because it helps get the word out,”
Costa said.
“It is heart-warming to see these kids embracing the healthy
change that we have needed for such a long time.
“They are the best at spreading seeds and I encourage them to
scatter them far and wide.”
After an extensive question and answer session with the students
and signing autographs for his greatest fans, Costa was treated
to a lunch created with produce from their garden. The
mouth-watering menu included arrowroot salad with a pesto and
mayonnaise dressing, mixed leaf salad with a cranberry dressing,
semi-sundried tomato and tapenade pasta salad and garlic and
chive butter on ciabatta bread.
Costa fast facts
- Grew up near Bondi Beach
- Boasts becoming a green thumb at nine months old
- Studied landscape architecture at university
- Has filmed 25 episodes of Costa’s Gardening Odyssey for SBS
- Has not shaved his beard since November 1991
- Refuses to eat fast food because “health is not a convenience”
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