Edible School Gardens
Frank Gapinski
10 Aug 07

Leonie Shanahan has been waging a campaign urging schools on
Queensland's Sunshine Coast to dig up part of the school oval and
start growing their own fruit and vegetables for the kids to
She feels that children are suffering from a lack of eating
healthy fresh food and need to learn about growing their own
Leonie has managed to get her "Edible School Gardens" program
into seven schools so far but it's an uphill battle to get her
program more widely accepted.
Leonnie believes educating our young children to grow their own
food is the key to a healthy future.
"We ingest approx 4.5 litres of pesticides & herbicides a
year, 2 kgs of addictives ¦ 66 kgs of sugar. Infertility is 1 in
6 couples -if kids live long enough to produce grandchildren for
us! And of course there is the much talked about obesity, mental
illness, immune deficiency, heart disease, diabetes how many more
diseases do our children need to have before people take action?"
said Leonnie.
"Kids are eating food not even made from nature it's made in
laboratories, stored in jars, plastic and cardboard and has a
very long shelf life that is not living food. Food comes to us
from all over the world; grapes from USA, carrots from Belguim,
green beans from China. Is this what we call fresh food? Why
aren't we growing our own food?"
Leonie decided to tear up her suburban green lawn and lead the
way in her community by growing all her own fruit and vegetables
in her back yard. Her garden has no won all sorts of state and
community awards. Leonie is now teaching kids at school to build
their own school gardens and eat freshly picked fruit and
vegetables. She's also lobbying local politicians to legislate
for healthy food practices throughout Queensland. She says if
Jamie Oliver can do it in England , maybe she can do it for
Article from: "ABC Bush Telegraph"
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