Edible School Gardens
Leonie Shanahan
04 Feb 13

Edible School Gardens
by Leonie Shanahan; Photographer: Di Harris
People often ask me why I started Edible School Gardens. I was at
my young daughters’ school when the students came out for their
lunch break and inside those lunchboxes were brightly coloured
food that came in plastic, this food was mostly made in
laboratories and manipulated to look and taste like food...... I
was horrified ... where was the fresh food the real food that was
going to support their growing bodies, minds, immunity and
wellbeing. It was that moment I knew I needed to go into schools
and teach children about growing organic food and let children
experience food bursting with flavour and freshness. I had
studied horticulture , permaculture and organics.
That was 10 years ago now and I have had the pleasure of
implementing the edible school gardens program into over 20
schools and changing the eating habits of thousands of
The program is kid focused, every steps of the process must
involve them – it’s going to be their garden, not mine.
Ownership. More than ever we need to empower students with
information about growing food for their own life skills and to
teach their parents. The students learn about garden design and
they come up with the design they want as their edible garden. We
source as much materials required second hand and locally to
support our community.
Our design is brought to life with a school community set up day
where parents/grandparents come along and make the garden with
the students, in these designs we will have several different
shaped gardens, herb spirals, worm farms/baths, compost systems,
arches and more. I am passionate about soils – not any soil but
soil that is bursting with life, we do no dig gardens and all our
garden beds have minerals and microbes added to them. Healthy
soil- healthy food- healthy YOU.
Then its all about learning the magic of growing food from seed,
seedling, plants, cuttings etc, watching how they grow and how
long it takes, and of course, eating food from our much loved
garden. Food that is wholesome, healthy & fresh. Students
Love their garden, its not a chore, its a learning experience
with fun attached to it which connects them back to nature and
health. Feed your heart, mind, body and spirit eating food that
is going to nourish you.
Nothing gives me more pleasure than to drive into a school yard
and see students eating the snow peas before school. Growing food
with children is so very important for their wellbeing, start
today no matter whether in a pot or in a garden.
Leonie is also the author of Eat Your Garden Organic Gardening
for Home and Schools with easy to follow, clear steps on all
aspects of organic growing based on the work she does in schools.
Just released is her first DVD Edible School Gardens, a film
company followed Leonie around and recorded her successful 12
month program Edible School Gardens.
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