Don’t miss Leonie Shanahan talking about Edible School Gardens

Getting kids to eat healthy food is easier said than done,but here’san idea. And it’s FREE!

At the CGS Open Day you’ll hear about aprogram for schools where children learn the wholeprocess of growing healthy food … from soil to supper (well, lunch!). Approachyour child’s school and get them on board. You just never know. From little things, big things grow ….

Speaker: Leonie Shanahan
Topic: Edible School Gardens
Time: 11.15am – 11.45am
Venue: Big P FunctionCentre

 Synopsis: The Edible School Gardensprogramdemonstrates Leonie’spassion about growing healthy foodso that people can all live avibrant life exploding withhappiness, energy and positiveexperiences.  Growing organic/permaculture food is notjust about food but also caring for the environment –water, soil,forests,animals, and caringfor other people –family, neighbours, communities. It alsoincludes the wider communityincluding people in 3rd world countries. In sharingour surplus,we include food, knowledge,and support. And it’s these principles ofpermaculture that make it such asuccessful worldwide movement.

 “Through the successful Edible SchoolGardensprograms Ihave experienced first hand thepositive response from students,teachers and parents to being part ofsetting up permaculture schoolgardens, planting, harvesting, eating and celebrating. I’ve seenhow these experiences atschools are taken into homes tochange the eating habits offamilies in a positive way.” 

About Leonie: Leonie ispassionate about growingorganic food for good health. She runs workshops from homeand speaks at garden expos, seminars and clubs. Leonie isknown for hersuccessful EdibleSchool Gardens program, herbook Eat Your Garden: Organic Gardening for Home and Schools,and theEdible School Garden DVD

To see the program in action at Our Lady of the Rosaryschool,click here.

To contact Leonie:




Phone: 5455 5784; 0479 054 347

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Have an upcoming conference, seminar or workshop. Leonie is a passionate speaker with extensive experience in edible gardens focusing on childrens health. Enquire here... Click here

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