Leonie Shanahan's Edible Gardening for All!
Growing Organic & Permaculture Food
Edible School Gardens /Leonie Shanahan is passionate about growing the healthiest food so that we can all live a vibrant life exploding with happiness, energy and positive experiences. Growing organic/permaculture food is not just about food but also caring for our environment encompassing water, soil, forests, animals, caring for other people – those people around us family, neighbours, communities and the wider community including people in 3rd world countries and sharing of our surplus being food, knowledge, support – these are the principals of permaculture that made it a very successful worldwide movement.
Through the successful Edible School Gardens programs I have experienced first hand the positive response from students, teachers and parents of being part of setting up permaculture school gardens, planting, harvesting, eating and celebrating and how those experiences at schools are taken into homes to change the eating habits of their families in a positive way.
We have a lot more work to do to see our children and grandchildren become positive beams of health, so much of the food that we buy – take aways, supermarkets doesn’t have any nutrient value to nourish and support childrens growing bodies, brains and zest for life. Many people complain to me that they don’t have time to garden but its a lot more pleasant and requires less time than if you or your child or parent have just been diagisoned with cancer and now have to spend time in hospitals, driving to see specialist and get treatment, and struggle with the whole emotional rollacoaster – Thats what I don’t have time for. Gardening has been proven to be good for your health from a physical and mental point of view, and of course for health/eating. People need to reprogram their thinking.
To have food bursting with health you need to grow as much of your own as possible – organically/permaculture methods. Growing your own food is the healthiest and also its the only way you can have full control over the processes of it growing and harvesting – we don’t know what has happened to our food from seed to supermarket shelf to make the product look prefect.
Everyone can have an Edible Landscape
Vegetable Gardens...
Vegetable gardens have made a come back in backyards, community gardens, verges, nature strips, school gardens and that is exciting, this is empowering us as a community – we are starting to take control of our food supply and return to becoming community.
This year many people will be pleased (especially parents) that I will now be running gardening workshops teaching all levels of organic/permaculture gardening from beginners to advanced, pots, small spaces to moving onto acreage. Join my newsletter for the announcement of course details and dates
Author, Educator, Presenter, endeavouring to use her extensive experience to empower & educate everyone to again appreciate the value of fresh home-grown food in their own backyards, balconies, schools or Community Gardens.
- Leonie Shanahan
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